About the Disciples of Christ
This congregation is a part of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Ours is a church founded in the American frontier in the early 19th century. Since its beginning, the Disciples of Christ have endeavored to increase respect, understanding, and unity among Christ's followers and we have welcomed all into our faith tradition, regardless of religious background or lack thereof. As Disciples, we strive to remain obedient to the teachings of Jesus and the New Testament by practicing a faith which is socially relevant and intellectually sound. Members are bound together in fellowship and service and by their faith commitment in the Lordship of Jesus Christ, which has been the central affirmation of the church since the first century. On other matters, the church recognizes the right to exercise freedom of opinion. This practice is a sustaining force in the life of the church. We hold that "in essentials, unity; in opinion, liberty; and in all things, love." There are approximately 800,000 members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
About our Congregation

First Christian Church has existed as a congregation since 1846. A group of persons from the Leatherwood Christian Church met in Bedford to establish a Christian Church in the city. The first building was built in 1854. In 1900 a new building was built to meet the needs of that time. Shortly thereafter a classroom addition was added. In 1987 an extensive remodeling program was completed.
We affirm that under the immensity of the Creator God, we come to faith in many different ways. Our tradition encourages varying Biblical interpretations of theological understandings. Together, we join with the Church Universal to affirm that Jesus is the Christ, the Lord and Savior of all humanity.
We affirm that under the immensity of the Creator God, we come to faith in many different ways. Our tradition encourages varying Biblical interpretations of theological understandings. Together, we join with the Church Universal to affirm that Jesus is the Christ, the Lord and Savior of all humanity.
At almost every service of worship, an invitation to membership occurs during the "Hymn of Invitation." If you would like to become a member of the congregation, we welcome you. Come to the front of the Sanctuary during this hymn. The minister will receive you as a new member. We accept members by AFFIRMATION OF FAITH and BAPTISM or by TRANSFER.
AFFIRMATION OF FAITH is for those people who have never belonged to a church. The most common confession is "I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God, and accept him as my Lord and Savior."
BAPTISM recalls the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus, while at the same time acts out the death and burial of the old self to new life in Christ. While we practice believer’s baptism by immersion, we recognize and accept the baptism of those coming from other faith traditions.
If you want to TRANSFER your membership from another church and place your membership at First Christian Church, we welcome you. The minister will ask if you rededicate your life to Christ and the work of the church. It is not necessary for you to arrange a letter of transfer. The church office will contact your former church.
The Red Chalice

The red chalice, bearing the “X-shaped” cross of St. Andrew is the symbol of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). The chalice symbolizes the centrality of the Lord’s Supper to Disciples life. The St. Andrews Cross has been identified with laity and evangelism which are prominent emphases of the Disciples over the years. The red color of the chalice signifies vitality, spirit, and sacrifice.